Introduction to Thought
Learn about thought, how the thought process works, and how your thoughts impact your life and your world.
Learn about your five energy bodies; your auras, and your seven chakras. Learn their function in the storage and processing of thought.
Learn how to use mindfulness to reduce your level of thought and how to be more mindful in your relationships.
Learn how to use meditation to improve your health, knowledge, emotional balance, and your spiritual growth. Learn how meditation helps you access your subconscious thought.
30-Days Life Coaching Programs
With Thought Expert Life Coach Joyce Louison
30-days Relationship Life Coaching
30-days Wealth & Success Life Coaching
30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching
30-days Relationship Life Coaching Program, uncover sub-coconscious thoughts, create new thoughts, become the best version of yourself.
30-days Wealth & Success Life Coaching Program, change your limiting subconscious thoughts, create new thoughts, create your dream life.
30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching program, uncover illness causing subconscious thoughts, change them,, be healed of illness & disease.
New Thought Blog/Vlog
By Joyce Lewis (Louison)
How do WOMEN Stop Mind Chatter and Quiet the Mind?
How does THOUGHT become things in a WOMAN’S life?
How is THOUGHT created in a WOMAN’S mind?
In this video I share with you a three-step strategy that will help you quiet your mind so you can begin to use the power of your thoughts to create the life of your dreams.
In this video, I share with you the exact formula for creating your desired reality so you can begin to use the power of your thoughts to create the life of your dreams.
Racism as with many ideas, is a product of the mind. It is a Reality Adversely Created In the Subconscious Mind of the person who is experiencing it.
How does the THOUGHT process works for WOMEN?
In this video, I breakdown the thought process into three simple steps so you can begin to use your power of thought to create the life of your dreams.
The 3 laws which govern the universe
Find out what are the three laws which govern the universe and everything it. Learn how to master these laws and master life at this level.
Redefining Racism
Racism as with many ideas, is a product of the mind. It is a Reality Adversely Created In the Subconscious Mind of the person who is experiencing it.
Book me to Speak at your Event
Spiritual Motivational Speaker
Power of Thought
Schools, Corporate, Events, Non-Profit,
Books by Joyce

Women Empowerment
How to Succeed in your Career
How to Create the Life of your Dreams
How to Overcome Fear
How to Heal Yourself
The Function of the Mind, Body & Soul
How Thoughts impacts your Health
How to raise Phenomenal Children
Attracting your Perfect Mate
Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
How to a stop being a Victim
(Speeches made to fit each occasion)
What People are Saying...
After reading this book, "Phenomenal Women, by Joyce" my life changed for the better. It encouraged me to peruse my music career with a passion, now things are moving in the right direction. My relationship with my husband has improved and my boys are doing tremendously.
Anonymous | Belfast NI
I purchased Phenomenal Women, by Joyce for my wife, but read it instead. It has encouraged me to take my business to the next level. My relationship with my family has also improved. This book is a blessing to all.
P. Jinga \ Belfast NI
After purchasing Phenomenal Women, by Joyce, I suddenly found out that my life shifted gears. After nine years of marriage, I was pregnant with my first son. My marriage which had been on its last legs suddenly began to flourish. Things just got better. I recommend this book for all women.
S. Jane \ Belfast NI
I ask for guidance and help as I knew without a doubt the Universe wanted me to start sharing all that I was with others.....
You are the one Joyce, my Mentor, & Teacher, thank you for being you with all my heart.
Anjelica | Belfast NI