Book of Quotes
A new thought quote a day, keeps the limiting thoughts away.
What if you woke up one day and realized you had the answer to all the problems facing humanity? Well, that's what happened to me. One day I woke up and realised that we are all connected to all thought in the universe. On that day, the chains fell off, my mind was unleashed, and I remembered everything that we forget, upon taking our first breath. We can choose to believe it, accept it, proclaim it to the world, and demonstrate it in who we are, and who we chose to become.
This BOOK OF QUOTES 3 book series, is my demonstration of a thought expert accessing thought from my subconscious and super conscious mind with impunity.
This compilation of 999 (333 X3) original new thought quotes:
✅ will be your daily guide,
✅ will hold you up when you stumble,
✅ will lift you up when you fall,
✅ will motivate you when you become discouraged,
✅ will inspire you when inspiration fails, and
✅ will cultivate and attitude of gratitude within you.
This has been a very long journey, which began eight years ago and culminated in another gift to the world of 999 (333 X 3) new thought, original quotations by yours’s truly, Thought Expert, Joyce Lewis (Louison).
These quotes have been compiled into 3 beautiful books
Book of Quotes – 333 Gratitude Quotes
Book of Quotes – 333 Motivational Quotes
Book of Quotes – 333 Spiritual Quotes
Each containing 333 quotes and 111 original photographs of various aspects of nature for countries around the world, by Joyce Lewis (Louison).
This 3-book series BOOK of Quotes is finally out and available for purchase on all Amazon online stores.