Reprogram Your Mind
Reprogramme Your Mind with our mind liberator, said to be the missing link, the defining factor which can change the world, which until now, has eluded mankind.
On the eighth of March 2014, I had an awakening. I woke up from sleep walking through my life. On that day, my book of life opened, as if I had died and gone to heaven and I was given an opportunity to review my life. I saw every success and I saw every failure, and I saw the exact thought that created it. I saw every relationship, and I saw the exact thought, that destroyed it. On that day I realised that there was no God, punishing me, or rewarding me, but that I was creating all of it. Through my thoughts, I was creating the life, I was experiencing.
I decided to change my thoughts, and my life completely changed. I spent three months on a public journey to enlightenment. On that journey life was a bliss. Everything I touched, turned to gold, I was God, walking on planet earth, I was an X-girl. I realised I could be, do, and have anything I could imagine. So, I set out to create the best life experience I could imagine.
The best life experience I could imagine, was to teach the world about this amazing power I had just discovered. The power of thought. Unbeknownst to me, I had inadvertently, applied to and had been accepted into the school of thought. I spent six years in that school, learning through experience, about thought; how thought works, how long it lasted, how my thoughts had impacted my life, how it had impacted the life of those around me, and how my thoughts had impacted my world.
Six years to the day, I graduated and became a thought expert. My final exam in the school of thought, was a test of my ability to take responsibility for my entire world, and what was happening in it, the pandemic of thought that we were experiencing. Then I had to demonstrate, how, by using the power of my thought, I, Joyce, the world’s only thought expert, could heal the world.
This is a story of the Thought Expert, becoming...
In every era there is a book that changes the way people think. There was The Autobiography of a Yogi, then there was The Alchemist. If you have read these books, then you need to read this one.
This is not just an eye opener; this is a mind liberator!