I went to Dorset from Belfast, for a Reiki course a couple years back. And the Reiki master sent me the details and information about booking a room in a guest house. I did not even look at it. I decided to take my car, and sleep in my car to save money. But I had the nagging sensation that I should book the room, but I ignored it. I kept making the excuse to myself, “it’s not that I don’t have the money, it’s not that I am being cheap, it’s just that I want to use my car!”
Well, did I? I slept in the car for two nights, bought a ten-pound sleeping bag, some supermarket food and felt contented that I had saved money. Well, had I? A month later the bill came, I had been charged parking fees for staying over the two-hour limit at a pit stop. A day later another charge came for driving thirty-two miles per hour, two miles per hour above the speed limit. Before that day I never even knew that thirty miles per hour was a speed limit. I did not calculate it, but I knew that I had paid the cost of two nights and two meals in a guest house.
Again, I went to London, this time I rented a car. I heard when my hostess said I may need to pay the congestion fee. I heard it, but I tried not to listen. I did not want to pay it. I also saw the signs on the road, but I tried to erase them from my mind. I kept my fingers crossed when I brought back the car, and I said nothing about the thought, that I may have scratched it, just a bit. I went home thinking, “I have been spared.” Well, was I? A month and a half later the bill comes, congestion fees, sixty-five pounds. I did not check it, but I am sure congestion fees should be a few pence, and reporting a scratch under the front bumper, that may, or may not, have been my fault may have cost much less.

We are always blaming someone or something for our misfortune. If not our parents, our children, if not our friends, our haters, if not the blacks, the whites, if not the government, the man upstairs.
But there is no one to blame, but ourselves. It is pointless to try to cheat yourself, cheat others or even cheat the system. Time is the great equaliser. And always balances everything. It is because most of us are so asleep that it takes so long to feel the effects of our thoughts and actions. But as we awaken; you hit the hammer down here and you feel the pain there, almost immediately
Always listen to that still small voice that says, do this, but don’t do that. Because if you do not, you will have no one to blame, but yourself.
Joyce Louison – warrior of light
New Thought Movement UK http://www.newthoughtmovementuk.com